KEEP IT EASY ON THE EYES: Care for your eyes and stay comfortable, even during long sessions; Advanced eye comfort technology certified by TÜV reduces eye strain by minimizing blue light and reducing irritating screen flicker²
INCREASED VERSATILITY: Connect to more; Plug devices straight into your monitor for increased flexibility, making your computing environment even more convenient
FLUID EXPERIENCE FOR UNINTERRUPTED MEDIA: Remain engaged while gaming, streaming videos, or tackling creative tasks; The 100Hz refresh rate minimizes lag and motion blur, ensuring you capture every detail during rapid sequences¹.
CURVED FOR ENHANCED ENGAGEMENT: An immersive viewing experience with a curved monitor that wraps more closely around your field of vision; It creates a wider view, enhancing depth perception and minimizing peripheral distraction
MORE GAMING POWER: Gain the edge with optimizable game settings; Color and image contrast can be adjusted to see scenes more vividly and spot enemies hiding in the dark; Game Mode adjusts any game to fill the screen so you can view every detail²